The Daily Reset: January 20th, 2020
Welcome to The Daily Reset. A chill article series where I try and bring y’all the biggest headlines for the day, at the end of the day, so you can wind down and enjoy a relaxing night while keeping up-to-date on what’s going on in the games industry.

Dying Light 2 has been delayed with no set date.
Pawel Marchewka (CEO of Techland — the company behind Dying Light 2) tweeted out a letter this morning regarding the timeline of their latest game:
“We were initially aiming for a Spring 2020 release with Dying Light 2, but unfortunately we need more development time to fulfill our vision.”
Marchewka did not mention any other date in the letter or in any subsequent tweets. The news comes after a slew of significant delays from games such as Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Cyberpunk 2077.

Huge Destiny 2 quest underwhelms its players with mediocre reward.
Last Tuesday, Bungie dropped a new quest into the game that had players navigating through a labyrinth. A week-long campaign followed that saw the entire community work together to find a solution to the maze. Ethan Gach (Kotaku Staff Writer) writes:
“By the end of the week, thousands of players were sharing screenshots of symbols unique to their playthroughs….the reward waiting for them, an exotic weapon already publicized by Bungie, wasn’t what many had been hoping for.”
This morning, at about 4:00 a.m., Gladd (Twitch Streamer) tweeted out the complete code of symbols needed to make it through the maze. The Destiny 2 community continues to express comments and concerns directly with Bungie in an effort to create the best possible experience.

PC and console Monster Hunter World: Iceborne players will have the exact same content by April.
The PC community of Monster Hunter World has always had a delay in content drops when compared to the Xbox One and PS4 playerbases. This is due in part to the 8 month difference in release dates. The console version dropped back in January 2018, while PC players had to wait until August 2018. Since then, PC players have always had to wait just a bit longer for new content.
Capcom has decided enough is enough, and has begun an initiative to sync up the content in all versions of the game. The PC version of the game will be getting three separate updates between now and April, in order to catch up to where the Xbox One and PS4 versions will be at. This comes from Samit Sarkar (Polygon Editor):
“The first patch is set to be released on Feb. 6….Title Update 2, scheduled for March 12….Tile Update 3, which will be released on consoles in March….And finally, at some point “later in April”…will debut on PC — and from then on, all three versions will get major content updates at the same time.”
*updates Monster Hunter World*
That’s it. Catch you tomorrow, peace.
DyingLightGame.(2020, January 20). Hey Survivors! Here’s the Dying Light 2 Development Update. [Tweet]. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/DyingLightGame/status/1219288598920470529?s=20.
Gach, E. (2020, January 20). Destiny 2’s Wild Corridors of Time Puzzle Ends With Lackluster Reward. Retrieved from http://kotaku.com
Sarkar, S. (2020, January 20). Monster Hunter World: Iceborne DLC on console and PC will sync up in April. Retrieved from http://polygon.com